
Sunday, March 17, 2013

:om tza chen trah ma:

om tza chen trah ma
the colours of each syllable in the sequence are, om tza chen trah ma -- white, red, yellow, green, blue.

om tza chen trah ma
vajrasattva mantra, the highest lord, this sequence is important for it signifies our eternity, our state is fully comprehended.
where conditions exist, also reality exists, in the conditioned reality 3 basic truths are:

.constancy of transience
.understanding in the primate deletion of meaning
.finding sense in one's experience through avoidance of the ongoing consciousnesses

the three truths are the expression of the deep understanding of the base truth that is expressed by silence. the silence is the state in which thoughts, words, actions arise spontaneously. liberation is not the state of having. it is rather the state in which being and having are fully integrated. this state is the state of good recognition of one's nature. pure.
conditions are only decorative elements of the state in which liberation happens. this state is always with us. its qualities are: clarity, interwovenness, omnipresence and luminosity. naturally present - is contained in all elements. its illusory elements are the reality which, with deep analysis reveals itself as uncreated.
in its clarity, appearance of the ilusory plane is the selfcreated element. its nature is pure.

:om vajrasattva samaya:

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