Samaya, these words are important words for each practitioner of this tantra for they indicate that the practice is directed towards perception. Perception in this sense means being introduced into that which on continually is. That means no action, samaya in this Tantra means complete abandonment of actions. You are Samaya and no action ever has been performed by you. Understand this.
Samaya, te słowa są bardzo istotne dla każdego praktykującego tą tantrę bo wskazują iż praktyka jest skierowana w stronę percepcji. Percepcja w tym sensie oznacza bycie przedstawionym temu co ciągle jest. Oznacza to brak działań, samaya w tej Tantrze oznacza kompletne opuszczenie działań. Jesteś Samaya i nigdy żadne działanie nie zostało przez Ciebie wykonane. Zrozum to.
Samaya, this word we can divide into 3ree parts Sa - the Power, Ma - The Energy, Ya - The Personification. All of them are one. The 3ree parts of this basic mantra exclude dualism as such and are simply the integration of Perfection. :Sa:Ma:Ya: Repetition of this mantra may help you in coordinating your internal energy on all levels. Your speach mind and body are more in line, in tune and less dependent on eneries already present.
:ini i sa i i: , this is the first mantra of the series of mantras included in this tantra, the :sa:ma:ya: mantra is only an introduction and the way to strat with practices and with time allow oneself better and deeper integration, repeat :sa:ma:ya: mantra as many times as you feel necessary. Sa, visualise in the navel, Ma, visualise in the Heart, Ya, visualise in the crown area. Not in the the forhead, not over, right inside the head, the other two, Sa - below the navel, inside your body, Ma, in the center-right chest.
The mantra unblocks energetic system. For you and All.
:ini i sa i i: , this mantra is the introduction mantra to all the series of mantras that will follow, the meaning of it is following:
ini - perfect state
i - integration
sa - power of green tara
i - integrated
i - integrated
The above mantra is the introduction to the power of other mantras , opens light operation in your body.
Reapeat as many times as you find necessary , best untill you experience its action by feelings, visions, emotions, experiences. It is clear to the practitioner when it functions.
Samaya, so the beginning of mantric practices is presented. Integrate. The following practices will bring more mantras and the ways to integrate them with your state, with your condition, with your experience and be of benefit to All. Samaya.
On the nature of this text. It is prepared as the result of the current recognition of needs of inhabitants of this planet and is of service to those who read it. There is no need to analyze its source or origins, yet it is perfectly integrated with the Kagyu Mother Tantras. May Love prevail, May Beings Flourish, May You Perfectly Shine.
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