
Sunday, August 18, 2013

off the oVen quite fresh, świeżutko, 8ma część Tantry Serca, before translation, przed tłumaczniem na polski. to be unified in root text. do dołącznia w całościowym tekście.


Short introduction and exercises four, three and five.

Empty, Uncreated, Spacious, the three names for the State are simply equalizations. The words that "closify" the Eternal. Do not take Eternal as the word for it. It is also but an approximation. Eternal and temporary are just names, concepts, ideas. Beyond All these is You. The Nature. The Reality. Dharmakaya is transmitting. The Body of Truth which is the name for emanations. The Pure Dharma. All Phenomena.


The following excercise is to verify your current state. Is following.
First. Sit in Vairocana position and breath in fully and stop the breath at the bottom. Below the navel, there visualise the red dot and see how fire rises up, feel the fire rising and see where it goes up to. Listen, check what is coming. The messages included are the ones that come. They tell you what your current state is nd what there is for you to do. Trust. Let the messages come, do not push them do not run away, just stay and receive. The visions will come from Emptiness, from Suchness, from Your real nature. Your body mind is receiving them. Just let them come. They are supposed to help you develop and see where you are heading and what for. Keep the information for you and share wit the closest Vajra practitioners. At Best. This is The fourth exercise of this Tantra.


Exercise of Breath Unification

Control your fires, the three energies of two side and central channel integrate. See them. The controlled fires develop your energy system. Let Chakras and Channels open. Imbued with light they can serve to spread energy and fix it. Visualise prana creating the channels and chakras and swirling through central channel. Be that Breath. Be that breath, Be that Breath. Mind, consciousness, elements, senses integrate as Space, Dharmakaya, Vision, World, You. Breath is an experience. Like any other experience it is. When you focus, the breath becomes reality. The breath becoming reality is One. Being One it Shines. Shining it Is. Being. State.
Above is the introduction into ones Natural State through breath of delivery. The exercise repeated regularly can help you maintain good condition of your body and energy. This is the third exercise of this Tantra.


This is the fifth exercise of This Tantra. To develop love in General.
sit in the Vairocana position and pull the right hand to your heart, place it as if it was the delicate soft cotton, then pull your left and and place it delicately on earth, then say:

then say
:ma tzen oh a:
then say

this is the exercise of detoxification and infliktration of love.


in simpler version:

left hand touching the ground, right hand placed on the heart - imbuing love with love, mother Earth so lovingly responds when you touch her and your father sky does the same and all that connect as your heart - the love.



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