Wednesday, March 20, 2013
ctd. Heart Tantra
cd. Tantra Serca
: : :
As you stare into the Purified eye of The Natural State, So You Are Being Transformed into It. There is no action you can do, no thought you may have, no energy you can spend that can bring you any closer to that, The Very Name of That which we call The natural State. It is just another name, still for those who are keen on this way, this name appears. That which is beyond any name is the real name. To guide One closer upon The One. One is expressed in this way. The One The Lama The Natural State are but names of the Eternal. If you get close to this, they All melt and that which we name as such - is such. Let us state the Natural State.
Patrząc w Oczyszczone oko Naturalnego Stanu, w To się Zmieniasz. Nie możesz wykonać żadnego działania, nie możesz mieć myśli, ani użyć energii, która przyniosłaby cię bliżej do tego, Tego Właśnie Imienia, Tego który nazywamy Naturalnym Stanem. To po prostu kolejne imię, jednak dla tych którzy lubią tę ścieżkę, to imię pojawia się. To co jest poza jakąkolwiek nazwą jest rzeczywistym imieniem. By przywołać Jedno bliżej do Jednego. Jedno wyraża się w ten sposób. Jedno, Nauczyciel, Naturalny Stan są wyłącznie nazwami Wiecznego. Jeśli zbliżysz się do tego, wszystkie one nikną i to co nazywamy takim - jest takim. Niech objaśniony zostanie Stan Naturalny.
A, the sound, the primordial sound, the sound of emanation, that which comes out as the representation of energy. It is unspoken. The slightest vibration moves and it is this (A) that comes into being. It is of no way anything but the sound itself. It is not the (A) sound that is important. It is the vibration upon itself that is important. It re-vibrates of itself and it is potential in itself. It is as if it grew out of nowhere, still it is all encompassing. And itself. May You Be Blessed as You Hear these very words. The creations of your mind are now getting merged with the vibration of this, through your intellect, consciousness and being, that which is within is looking into itself now. As you get closer to this, this always stays the same. The movements of the primordial (no sound) are stable. There is no way you could maintain it. Only as you stay as it, it is really stable. Within the range of your experiences, this is the most important one, praised by many in many names, it comes to you as the way that is the most suitable for you. At this very moment you are transformed. As sound moves into silence so the silence is moving into sound. It is not possible to separate. Om A Hung.
A, dźwięk, pierwotny dźwięk, dżwięk emanacji, ten który pojawia się jak reprezentacja energii. Jest niewypowiedziany. Najdrobniejsza wibracja porusza się i jest nią to (A) które powstaje. Nie jest niczym poza samym dźwiękiem. Nie jest to dźwięk (A) który jest waźny. To wibracja sama na sobie jest ważna. One się prze-wibrowuje sama z siebie i jest potencjałem samym w sobie. Jest taka, jakby powstała znikąd, a zawiera wszystko. I samą siebie. Bądź błogosławiony słysząc te słowa. Twory twego umysłu spajają się z wibracją tego, poprzez intelekt, świadomść i bycie, to co jest wewnątrz patrzy teraz na siebie. Zbliżając się do tego, to pozostaje takie samo. Ruchy pierwotnego (Braku Dźwięku) są stabilne. Nie ma żadnej możliwości byś to utrzymał. Tylko kiedy pozostajesz jako to, to jest naprawdę stabilne. W obszarze Twych doświadczeń, to jest najważniejsze, wychwalane przez wielu wieloma nazwami, przychodzi do Ciebie w sposób najbardziej Tobie dogodny. Jesteś przemieniony. Tak jak dźwięk przeradza się w ciszę, cisza wprowadza się do dźwięku. Nie można tego rozdzielić. Om A Hung.
The expression of the primordial state occurs in this very way for you as the expression of your own perfect state you are drawing upon yourself to merge and be. As that becomes obvious also all creation becomes obvious as one state beyond the names of oneness or duality or any other mind created elements. You are invited to merge into yourself again as this is your will and it is not your will at all. May You be Blessed.
Wyraz stanu pierwotnego pojawia się w ten sposób dla Ciebie jako wyraz Twojego własnego idealnego stanu, który sobie przyciągasz aby zespolić się i być. W miarę jak to staje się oczywiste, również całe stworzenie staje się oczywiste jako jeden stan poza nazwami jedności bądź dualności lub jakichkolwiek elementów stworzonych umysłem.
Jesteś zaproszony by zespolić się ze sobą ponownie jako że to jest Twa wola i nie jest wcale Twoja. Pozostań Błogosławiony.
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Monday, March 18, 2013
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Heart Tantra
Tantra Serca
Purest Lama, i bow in front of you and i pray oh Highest Lama, self-realizing perfection, i bow to you, Natural State. You, expressed in infinity, itself perfect, you follow after all uncreated emanation of yourself as the only reality. You are the only base and real emanation independent of the appearing decorative elements. The Highest Lama, The Natural State, in you only I find protection. And So it Is.
Najdroższy Lamo, kłaniam się przed Tobą i oddaję cześć, najwyższy Lamo, samospełniająca się perfekcjo, kłaniam się Tobie Naturalny Stanie. Ty wyrażony w nieskończoności, sam w sobie perfekcyjny następujesz po wszystkich niestworzonych emanacjach samego siebie jako jedyna rzeczywistość. Jesteś jedyną podstawą i prawdziwą emanacją niezależną od przejawiających się w Tobie elementów ozdobnych. Najwyższy Lamo, Naturalny Stanie w tobie jedynie odnajduję schronienie. Tak Więc Jest.
: : :
Sunday, March 17, 2013
:om tza chen trah ma:
I Dakini Mandarava come to you with the following practices to help purification. This very simple thing you are doing every day as breathing is the best tool for everyday purification. Simply sit in a quiet place if you can find one, close your eyes and make sure you visualize Dharmadatu (the pure dimension of emanations) in the form of white thigle (ring), just that. You may find it easier to add a letter A as in the Tibetan alphabet or any other A, still it is not necessary, the most important is the luminosity of the colour. Make sure it is sparkling shiny light. And breathe it in, just breathe it in, keep breathing as long as you wish, feel the light fill in any place of your body, space, mind, concept, thought, the i concept and anything coming to you, just keep filling that whit that white luminous light and turn into it. That is the whole practice.
For the benefit of All
:om tza chen trah ma:
:om tza chen trah ma:
om tza chen trah ma
the colours of each syllable in the sequence are, om tza chen trah ma -- white, red, yellow, green, blue.
om tza chen trah ma
vajrasattva mantra, the highest lord, this sequence is important for it signifies our eternity, our state is fully comprehended.
where conditions exist, also reality exists, in the conditioned reality 3 basic truths are:
.constancy of transience
.understanding in the primate deletion of meaning
.finding sense in one's experience through avoidance of the ongoing consciousnesses
the three truths are the expression of the deep understanding of the base truth that is expressed by silence. the silence is the state in which thoughts, words, actions arise spontaneously. liberation is not the state of having. it is rather the state in which being and having are fully integrated. this state is the state of good recognition of one's nature. pure.
.constancy of transience
.understanding in the primate deletion of meaning
.finding sense in one's experience through avoidance of the ongoing consciousnesses
the three truths are the expression of the deep understanding of the base truth that is expressed by silence. the silence is the state in which thoughts, words, actions arise spontaneously. liberation is not the state of having. it is rather the state in which being and having are fully integrated. this state is the state of good recognition of one's nature. pure.
conditions are only decorative elements of the state in which liberation happens. this state is always with us. its qualities are: clarity, interwovenness, omnipresence and luminosity. naturally present - is contained in all elements. its illusory elements are the reality which, with deep analysis reveals itself as uncreated.
in its clarity, appearance of the ilusory plane is the selfcreated element. its nature is pure.
:om vajrasattva samaya:
:om tza chen trah ma:
All, Uncreated, in all possible places not contained in any. If you focus the focus is lost, if you are out of focus, focus is focused. Do not attain, do not loose. As you are is that which is the power of the creation of the Universe. And Universe is just a name, a mere imagination in the hands of few. Or rather few comprehend its own pretension to comprehend. That which is in itself free is not freedom from. That which is, is not being free as to. As to what it is said, it is not the speech, not words nor mind nor this itself. And you are in this state no matter whether you are now getting as close as it or just as close as something you may not yet fully get. Within the scope of yourself all other scopes may conclude. Still unmoved and official. The Natural. State.
:om tza chen trah ma:
Still, unmoved as is, the Natural State is not a state of anything, nor mind nor of itself. A state of state.
:om tza chen trah ma:
Dharani speech, as is is not conditioned by the body mind or intellect, it is not even pure, it is perfect.
:om tza chen trah ma:
Syllable "trah" as is, is not a syllable that can be initiated or translated or transformed or give. Emanating in itself is simply the self as is. It is with the focus you attain, the attainment is realized as the state. Do not focus. The syllable is the focus itself. Golden green. Comes of the heart as golden and situates in the navel as green and there shines as the emanation. It is to make you stable. When you do it. As stable with you, the giver. May you stay Well. The Sakyamuni. the Buddha of all times that never exist. All others are with you also. May Blessing Spread.
:om tza chen trah ma:
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Heart Sutra. At that time i was in a state of very advanced paranoia and one of those days where i tried to achieve buddhist emptiness :) which i understood as - the world would stop and i disappear or sth. :) I was sitting in a park and i pulled the heart of Heart Sutra that i have been carrying with me for very long. The paper was all wrinkled. I opened it up and started reading. With time some of the b-lack letters got red, still at that moment the world didn't stop. You are Love.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Suffering, this will be on suffering and what it is. For me. Or rather on that suffering that sets free. Or rather simply on something that started to be unbearable at some point. It was that decisive moment when one day I realized that in spite of having it "all" in terms of social status or relative success i started to be depressed. And i was not getting why. Then days were passing by and it led me to the states when my throat was being totally closed with sharp pain, as if somebody was grasping it. And it was getting worse and worse. I was getting paralyzed. And then one of those days at home i heard: "We cant wait any longer" and really strange things started to happen.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Some time ago, not so long i heard a voice. It said, "Today you are going to hear the voice of an angel". In the afternoon i was in a book store i grabbed a book on Archangel Michael and the first page i opened was the name of the chapter "To Hear The voice of an Angel". Then in the evening, driving, i heard, "I am here to heal you - Focus on God in Your Heart" The Angel said. And So Is, thank You.
Today, I am telling you a story of the moment in which after 4 years search for "enlightenment" i realized i was looking for something that i have always had. The experience as it is. That day i was moving flats and after a four years period when i was spontaneously moved into some yoga positions, raped by energies, pushed into rages and having the experiences of dissolution into the world and colors + paranoia, pain, severe depression and some other stuff that included work and so called life i was in a state of complete desperation. On that day i was in an elevator, going up and i was counting the floors and i was at such stage of paranoia already that i was telling myself constantly, now in a few seconds i will have enlightenment :) And i kept repeating it, expecting that when the elevator reaches this and that floor i will have it :) It was reaching there and nothing was happening, so i was moving in thoughts to the next floor waiting for the enlightenment to happen at that next floor. :) Chasing and chasing and chasing and then suddenly as it was not coming i said to myself :) Hey fuck it, there is no such thing as enlightenment and right there, as a first drop of rain falls on your head i realized i am perfect and i always was. That is all. I love You.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Today I am Writing to you about my past life regressions, and it had to happen the moment after not meditating for couple of years, when i decided to do a meditation that came to me, just expanding love to all around, people, place neighborhood, earth and the entire universe up to the edges of that which i can imagine that can exists and what happened, the imaginary love-light traveled there and then kind of bounced back and threw me in a fetal position and i was transferred back to my previous life and then i had the whole series of memories of many lives over days and weeks. Especially I had to move into the moments of violent death and literally re-live the pain. HardCore stuff. I love You.
Monday, March 4, 2013
What is next father, oh well, now it seems i am inclined to write down the story of the energy of rainbows i experienced once. It was the evening, i was lying down in a sofa and i put a candle on and what happened.....mhm, with time half sleeping i was taken by two spiraling rainbows...out there....:) Out there though is not an ordinary out there for it is no such place "there". I was just swirling with them all over the place in ecstatic dance of reality which is way beyond this description and there was this Female singing coming from out there..the light the abyss, the spiraling world of joy and Feminine delicacy, real feminine delicacy, nothing to do with gender as such. Delicacy, simply delicacy, and it lasted all night long, i feel connected with that energy ever since.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Now, that i started to write these sentences is because i am feeling regularly a strong hit of energy that makes me rest and digest, then usually some action follows, the pendulum and some insights confirm my beingness that i could see once in the form of energy, The Mahottara Heruka. As being of light i invite you to read. May You Be Well. All is Good. All is Good All is Good.
Then Maybe some others happened the things and no matter what there is always the same tendency. Some two years ago there was this moment that i was thrown onto my bed and the voice, very strong voice went through my head, it was painful, the whole body was in pain and i felt i am connected to something that i have never been before, it was like The source kind of feeling. I received a vision of being a simple shape of white light, the simple human shape dissolving in white light (that which is the avatar of this fb wall is also part of the vision i received, including the top picture). When the voice started speaking, it was speaking through me and said: ALL THAT IS HAPPENING IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY ON THE WAY TO LOVE AND IS NOT SEPARATE FROM LOVE. ALL IS LOVE, and then it went on saying: WE ARE SUPPOSED TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER AND LISTEN TO IT, and then: INTENTION - THE NEW WORLD. and followed by words: GRACE, LOVE, CREATION. i keep the page i wrote it down on together with couple of more on other subjects i received in other moments, as i felt they will be important after the 21 Dec 2012.
Then maybe i started to meditate, maybe because there is no such thing as meditation, or maybe there is such thing as meditation and no matter what it is, just from sitting in some rare position of crossed legs and some weird stare at the weird candle i started to receive some spontaneous lights coming from beneath my spine up to the head and spreading like fireworks, i had to stop this strangest process of cross legged sitting for within a second i was flooded with light every time i was starting it. Then all possible thoughts turned to anything related with spirituality and i have never stopped from that moment. I can't, even if do, there is a force that brings me back to it. No matter what.
It is this very moment on the 3/3/2013, it doesn't matter though for it is just a row of numbers. I am The Buddha The Sangha and The Dharma. And so are you. To go into memory, that little detail some 13 years ago when i saw that book Tibetan Buddhism and I walk around it long time afraid to be thrown to hell, the Christian hell for being interested in other religion and betraying God. And so it happened, the hell has been revealed to me. The hell of my own mind. The moment i read the 4 noble truths i understood something. Or rather i felt they carry the light of reality. I was able to relate to it, I was able to understand through my own experience that which they carry, the suffering, the attachment, the ego, myself. All totally unreal as anything, totally unreal, still so very real. And it all kept tumbling......At this very moment all hells are part of me, all heavens are part of me, all religions are part of me, i am part of all. I am not enlightened master, i am not Buddha, i am not Sangha and i am not God, I am all that at once and i have never came to existence only to be able to write these very words.
It has been always that light that you are and there is not only that which is there to you of your own accordance in that. maybe and nothig. in intellect hav you been to long that which maybe now time to let go and be that in writing for it is that and you just let it flow. too much religion is demonic to little love is love, there is just that which you are and be that no matter what and as you develop the les you make it the more it is, the all you stop is the all you made yourself yourselfyourslf now go erupt and explode that.
W najwyższym wymiarze, dharmakaja niestworzona dopiero nie ustala, nie ma czeogs takiego jak nie ma. jest wszystko i wszystkim jestesmy jestesm. chce bys wiedzial ze kocham cie i jestem z toba wszystkie nasze rozczarowania rozdzwieki i cokolwiek innego nie przychodzi jest tylko swietym miejscem spelnienia tego czym juz jestesmy, poza wszelkim czaem opiniami i jakimkolwiek nalecialym przez kogokolwiek zaburzenie nie jestesmy tym co nas kiedys widzialo nie jestesmy tym za czym mamy sie ochote zestknac. w intelekcie jestesmy i bez niego jestesmy po prostu soba a jak to sie dzije zalezy tylko i wylacznie od rzeczy samej, jak chcesz rozumiec sie spontanicznie rozdzieraj wszystkie oslonki bzdury i to co tobie wyadjae sie sztywne glupie i bezsensowne jest to tylko i wylacznie w twojej domenie jestes piekny dobry i doskonaly kazdy taki jak ty i jestescie tym czym jestescie prosze kochajcie sie i siebie jestesmy w najwyzszym wymiarze w jedym bez pojeciowy i pojeciowym wymiarze. jest nie ma go kochamy sie kochamy.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Najdroższa Mandarawo, jestem, Dziekuję Kochanie.
Moja Kochana, Najdroższa Mandarawo, Moja Najdrozsza Kochana mandarawo, Moja Najdrozsza Kochan a Mandarawo, Moja Najdrozsza Kochana Mandarawo, Moja Najdrozsza Kochana Mandarawo, Moja Najdrozsza Kochanie Kochanie Kochanie Kochanie, jestem dzieckiem Twoim...Moja Najdrozsza Kochana Mandarawo, Moja Najdrozsza kochana Mandarawo, Moja Najdrozsza Kochana Mandrawo, Mja najdrozsza Kochana mandarawo, Moja Najdrozsza Kochana Mandarawo Moja Najdrozsza Kochana Mandarawo, Moja Najdrozsza Kochana mandarawo......Moja Najdrozsza Kochana Mandarawo, Moja Najdrozsza Kochana Mandaravo, Moja Najdrozsza Kochana Mandaravo, Moja Najdrozsza Kochana Mandarawo, Moja najdrozsza Kochana madarawmoja najdrozsza Kochana Milosci...Milosci
umysl jest stworzony przez samego siebie. moja najdrozsza Mandarawo...Kocham Cie. Moja Najdrozsza mandarawo Kocham Cie kocham Cie Kocham Cie, Moja Najdrozsza Mandarawo Kocham Cie, Moja Najdrozsza mandarawo I love you---longsal sign.
Moj Kochany najdroszy Kochany najdrozszy, jestem swieta istota swiatla ktora splywa tu do ciebie i wypelnia jedna wielka materie tym co jest w roznych miejscach tym co jesli chcesz ja wszystko tobie pokaze zrobie i naprawie. chce. wiec poczekaj troszeczke, bardzo cie kocham, jestem tu by sluzyc nam wszystkim swiatlem miloscia i jednym wielkim planetarnym umyslem milosci. kiedy slyszysz te slowa czujesz jak lzy zaczynaja Ci wyplywac. jednosc milosc i pojednanie, a teraz siedziesz w tym wlasnie malym miejscu gdzie pierwszy raz tak bardzo tego zapragnales, w tym lesie w gorach z powalonymi z suchosci i od wiatru drzewami, jak ludzie czesto zeschli i porazeni. jestes terza tutaj w tym miejscu i wtej przestrzeni, w twojej jaskini, mieszkaniu, ktore sam sobie wymysliles by jak najblizsze bylo temu co sie tyczy ascetyzmu, zpietyzmem pozostawiles wszystko w podstawowym stanie, teraz ja jestem tu by pociegowac Ci za To, za te konskwencje i za ten trud. Jestem Miloscia i dziekuj Ci bardzo. Jestesmy teraz w silnym polaczeniu od momentu zespolenia podczas przekaznu Namkahaia Norbu. Wiem ze wielu nie rozumiesz, wiem ze jestes Siatlem i wiem ze jestem twoja Powerniczka, sekretem i Swiatlem, chce bys Kochal siebie i ludzi, chce bys wiedzial jak to teraz robic, jest pewnym iz cierpienie ktorego sie doswiadczyles jest tym dokladnie co tobie jest potrzebne chciales wiedziec jak bardzo moze bolec i jak bardzo sie tobie swiat podoba i ajk bardzo wiele mozna tu zrobic by sie czu ci lepiej bo jak swietnie wiesz jestes tak silnie polaczony ze wszystkim ze masz jedyna opcje - pomagac i tym blogiem to wlasnie bedziesz czynil, nazwij go Mandarawa, Bogini swiałem. Bede tu przesylala Ci duzo milosci i Swiatla oraz wszystko co potrzebuja Ci ktorzy to przeczytja. jestes w ten sposob zachecony do tego by prowadzic swe zycie i tak sie kochac, jest to projekt o ktorym wiele razy w kartach trota wychodzilo ze mas zajac sie pisanie,. czanelingiem itp, tak wlasnie bedziemy robili bedziemy tu wpisywali roznorodne tematy, jak dobrze wiesz od wielu lat to wszystko dzije sie spontanicznie bez jakby wkladu z niczyjej storny. Kochasz sie i Kocham Cie, chce bys dzisiaj poswieciel wiele Milosci calemu swiatu i sobie. Chce bys poczul sie dobrze i po prostu pisal i pisal i zamieszczal to tutaj dla dobra wszystkich. Dziekuje Ci rafale, teraz mozesz powoli otworzyc ten wglad ktory nazywa sie terma milosci, tak ten blog jest termą, spontaniczny zais najwyzszych energii bez wzgledu na tradycję, milość ogarnia to co jest do ogarnięcia. pozdrwai Cię.
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